ClickHeal - A World of Warcraft Add On


1 Introduction
2 Quick Start
2.1 Heal yourself or a friend
2.2 Buff yourself or a friend
2.3 Cure yourself or a friend
2.4 Cast a spell on an enemy
2.5 Cast a spell on a friend
3 The main frames
3.1 The drag bar
3.2 The Config button
3.3 The Extra button
3.4 The PANIC button
3.5 The Player and Party Members buttons
3.6 The Pet buttons
3.7 The Target buttons
4 Abbrevations
4.1 Missing Buffs
4.2 Debuffs
4.3 Heal over Time
4.4 Power Word: Shield
4.5 Blacklist
5 Configuration
5.1 The Help tab
5.2 The Config tab
5.2.1 Misc Config
5.2.2 Combat Config
5.2.3 Cooldown Config
5.2.4 Healing Config
5.2.5 Notify Config
5.2.6 Notify 2 Config
5.3 The GUI (Graphical User Interface) Tab
5.3.1 GUI Misc
5.3.2 GUI Raid
5.3.3 GUI Main Frames
5.3.4 GUI Target Frames
5.3.5 GUI Tooltips
5.4 The Friend tab
5.5 The Enemy tab
5.6 The Panic tab
5.7 The Extra tab
5.8 The Chain tab
5.9 The Buffs tab
5.10 The Totems tab
6 Assigning spells and actions to mouse buttons
6.1 Assign process and screens
6.2 Assignable actions
6.3 Layouts
7 Supported AddOn's
7.1 Decursive
7.2 CT Raid Assisg (CTRA)
7.3 Discord Unit Frames (DUF)
7.4 Perl Classic Unit Frames (PCUF)
7.5 Ralek's NeedyList
7.6 BonusScanner
7.7 World of Warcraft GUI
8 Plugins
8.1 Using Plugins
8.2 Developing Plugins
9.1 Developer API
9.2 User API
10 Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
