The Chain tab
Here you can setup your "chains". Chains is a sequences of actions (spells) which will be cast one by one, or better group by group. This allows you to assign a certain casting sequence to only one mouse key, instead of having to press multiple keys. This maybe is best explained by an example. If you look at above screen, then you can see above configured:
- First the spell "Corruption" is cast at the target (line 1) and at the same time the pet attacks the target (line 2)
- At the next mouseclick "Immolate" will be cast on the target (line 3)
- Next mouseclick, "Curse of Agony" (line 4)
- Next mouseclicks, "Shadow bolt" (line 5). This will be repeated ("loop" on the right)
The chain will be resetted when you change your target. Even if you switch back to your old target, the chain will not continue from the point where you left off, but start again at the very beginning! If your chain reaches the end.
Chains can be assigned to mouse clicks, like any other action. Check the appropriate tab where you would like it to assign to.
Condition | The condition of when/how the line should be triggered.
Frequency | The frequency of line execution or special conditions.
This is another example for a very small, but useful chain. It is tailored towards Hunters. This chain allows you to simultaneously cast "Hunter's Mark" onto your target and have your pet rush into the fight. Saves you again one mouse click!